Wednesday, June 8, 2016

May 14, 2016 - At Sea

It was at sea day, we took our time and got up pretty late in the morning.  We took a long breakfast and just sit-and-chat.  Life is good when there is no pressure to do anything for the whole morning and just chatting with good friends.  We did went to workout in the gym in the afternoon.  

Since this was a formal night, we all went back to our cabins to get ready for the night.  We did some photo taking along with dancing at the Ocean Bar just before our formal dinner.  

After dinner, we went to see the All for Love show performed by Westerdam singers and dancers at Vista Lounge.  
Then we did more dancing between Queen’s Lounge and Northern Lights. B.B. King Blues Club All Star Band played in Queen’s Lounge and a DJ played 50s and 60s music in Northern Lights.  We all had our shares of exercise.

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